RE: [nycphp-talk] Ticketing and Bug Tracking software

invisiblemute geek at
Tue Dec 23 12:17:34 EST 2003

   -------Original Message-------
   > From: Tim Gales <tgales at>
   >  I forgot to specifically say that the infrastructure
   >  stuff  I am working on is for the Clew project

Very cool. Looking forward to helping out as much as I can... 
"Um, Hans? How many sugars did you want in your coffee?"

   >  written php code (the guys at NYPHP are
   >  pretty  talented).

One look at any of my code and people will think I'm retarded.

   >  If you want to learn how to program -- the best way
   >  is to look at good code. ( I expect to lean a lot
   >  from this project -- that's why I got involved).

Hehe... good code? I don't have anyone smart to tell me what's written well and what's not.

   >  Anyway, even bug-tracking is more glamorous
   >  than what I' m doing right now.

I'm in the bling-bling life of on-line forms and surveys. I'm a former designer who has fallen from grace. Tried to throw in a little artistic flair with fading yellow background. 

"Change it back to the solid yellow." 

"Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I’m afraid."

   >  >>If  you could learn Mantis real quick --
   >  >> that would be a big help..

Sure, we're installing it here at work at this very moment. Thanks for the recommendation. 

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