[nycphp-talk] Native PHP functions in MySQL?

Dan Cech dcech at
Fri Dec 26 14:15:30 EST 2003

Sorry, should have given you a couple of URLs in my last post:


(interesting code can be checked out of anonymous cvs)

Modified Preorder Traversal Trees:

Dan Cech

Dan Cech wrote:
> Yeah, I've seen a little of the clew discussion, I'm kinda new to the 
> whole nyphp thing so I'm a little behind.
> Why did you decide on Nested Sets?  I have had good success in the past 
> with Modified Preorder Traversal Trees in MySQL and Postgres, basically 
> a mixture of Nested Sets and adjacency tables, with the advantages (and 
> disadvantages) of both.  They seem to be to be a little more robust than 
> vanilla nested sets, as well as giving you more options for retrieving 
> data.
> For a sample implementation see phpGACL, we haven't released a version 
> using the new trees yet, but everything is in CVS and undergoing final 
> testing prior to release.
> I also have an implementation of all the functions required for 
> Tropashko's Partial Order Nested Sets in PHP, might have to have a play 
> with those when I get some free time.
> Dan
> Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Wow, thanks Dan! An excellent Boxing Day gift to those of us without 
>> Oracle. :-)
>> I'm just beginning to wrap my head around the Nested Set approach, 
>> having always used a Materialized Path. It's always nice to find that 
>> there's more than one way to do it.
>> The clew project (NYPHP's new mailing list / forum) uses a Celko-style 
>> Nested Set to store the message heirarchy, courtesy of Hans Zaunere's 
>> pNSM class. Once we work through the implementation and have it up and 
>> running, it would be a great idea to take a shot at the Partial Order 
>> approach spelled out by Tropashko, using myphp to do the math.
>>   csnyder
>> Dan Cech wrote:
>>> Actually there is a UDF which can execute PHP code already.  Written 
>>> by David Sklar, you can find it here:
>>> <>
>>> As for usefulness, it could be very handy if you wanted to for 
>>> instance implement partial order nested sets:
>>> <>
>>> There are plenty of situations where the ability to execute php code 
>>> could be a Good Thing, though for most cases the same results can be 
>>> achieved with SQL-99 stored procedures, which are supported in MySQL 
>>> 5.x and much more portable than embedded php code.
>>> Dan Cech
>>> jon baer wrote:
>>>> i noticed this project just recently:
>>>> basically a wrapper using mysql w/  CREATE FUNCTION foo RETURNS STRING
>>>> SONAME ""; to run Java natively ... so you could do this:
>>>> mysql> SELECT foo("classes/MyClasss", COLUMN1, COLUMN2) FROM foobar;
>>>> i wonder what the major advantages of this really are or if its 
>>>> overkill, im
>>>> assuming the same thing could be done w/ php ... but beyond 
>>>> filtering what
>>>> would it be good for?
>>>> - jon
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