[nycphp-talk] OT: EditPlus

Webapprentice webapprentice at
Fri Feb 14 20:02:49 EST 2003

Does it go into a directory and search and replace files in there?
The screenshot does not indicate that.

Nasir Zubair wrote:

>It sure does. Here is a screen shot.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Webapprentice [mailto:webapprentice at] 
>Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 1:00 PM
>To: NYPHP Talk
>Subject: [nycphp-talk] OT: EditPlus
>Does EditPlus offer global search and replace in multiple files, like 
>Nasir Zubair wrote:
>>I use EditPlus for almost all my PHP stuff. I also use Dreamweaver MX 
>>because of its site management features, that is if the script/project 
>>is more than a few pages.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Webapprentice [mailto:webapprentice at]
>>Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 12:49 PM
>>To: NYPHP Talk
>>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Zend offer
>>I use Homesite as my all-purpose editor.
>>Carlos Hoyos wrote:
>>>This is actually leading to an interesting question (think it was
>>>already posted a few months ago)
>>>What editor / development platform are you guys using?
>>>I use Eclipse for other languages, but the php plugin is still too
>>>pre-alpha. Editplus I really like: lightweight, but still very beefy 
>>>(regular expression, user definable syntax & auto complete...), but 
>>>missing cvs, so good only for smaller one-man projects.
>>>Now the big challenge: I got an enterprise project (here comes the
>>>magic word again -- let's not get religious ;).  Big team, close 
>>>deadlines, parallel development, and  I'm very convinced about using 
>>>PHP for this one.
>>>Suggestions on how to build the ultimate development platform?  What
>>>else besides Zend should I be consider? Anybody used other software 
>>>development products with PHP (Rational Rose and ClearQuest are on my 
>>>                    Rudy
>>>                    <rudy at>        To:       NYPHP Talk
>><talk at>                                                   
>>>                                             cc:
>>>                    02/13/2003 09:23         Subject:  RE:
>>[nycphp-talk] Zend offer
>>>                    PM
>>>                    Please respond to
>>>                    talk
>>>I've been using EditPlus, a simple text 
>>>with auto-complete and elementary syntax help.  It does not offer any
>>>debugging capability.  Has anyone used the Zend Studio debugging and
>>>so what does it offer?
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Michael Welsh [mailto:welsh_michael at]
>>>Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 8:42 AM
>>>To: NYPHP Talk
>>>Subject: [nycphp-talk] Zend offer
>>>The Zend Studio offer looks inviting.
>>>I usually do my work in a simple text editor -  metapad
>>>( in windows or Kate and Quanta
>>>( in Linux.
>>>Do I really need this IDE?  I am comfortable in a text editor, but, 
>>>not a zealot for *the purity* of it.  Obviously it is a matter of
>>>personal choice.  I'm open to opinion/suggestion and would like to
>>>from others.
>>>Then again, who could resist "support your local community at the same
>>>time."? Let me reach for my wallet. <grin>
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