email handling with php

Felix Zaslavskiy felix at
Thu Jan 9 15:24:51 EST 2003


I am working on a web email client and i like to know how if anyone went about handling the protocols such as pop3,imap,smtp

My alternatives as i see them are as follows
A: roll my own code.  ( I dont favor this and like to use reusable components)
B: user Pear Mail and Net classes ( there is a pop3 implementation, there is also a general interface for sending mail , lacking imap)
C: use the imap extentions (It can do other things then just imap,  not sure if it can do pop3, but in any case i cant put a requirment that this extention bve installed)
D: use the php own mail command (this may not be configured ? and its only for sending mail)

Right now my plan is to create an abstract interface for receiving mail.
I would use the imap extention if its available but fall back on pear classes if its not

Anyone have any suggestions ?
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