MySQL at LinuxWorld

Hans Zaunere hans at
Tue Jan 21 11:21:16 EST 2003

I forget if this has been covered, but since I have the flyer in front of me,
I thought I'd finalize MySQL's events at LWE.  I've outlined the flyer below:

Jan. 22-24,2003
MySQL Booth: #R24
David Axmark will be available each day from 10-11pm and Monty Widenius 3-4pm
(MySQL Founders)

MySQL Reference Manuals can be autographed and will be available at the
O'Reilly booth #457

"Join the MySQL Founders and Architects for an informal "Birds-of-a-Feather"
discussion in Room 1E12 on Thursday, January 23 from 5:30-7pm"  (I'm going to
try to catch this)

That about covers it.  Best,

Hans Zaunere
President, New York PHP
hans at

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