[nycphp-talk] WebCam

Brian brian at
Fri Jan 24 07:26:45 EST 2003

At one time I was looking for webcam portals and general cam programs and I 
could not find many.  Hotscripts yielded one webcam portal program -- -- as well as a PHP-Nuke 
module.  There were a couple on Sourceforge but if I recall correctly they 
were in Perl.  It could be an interesting project if anyone would be willing 
to take it on.


On Friday 24 January 2003 01:58 am, louie wrote:
> greetings folks,
> i want to Add a fast loading webcam portal page
> to my website.
> (with some kind of moderating option,
> on who can join.)  <--- this NP i can handle mYself.....
> first, does anyone familiar with any ready script out there that do so?
> does anyone have any experience with coding for webcam portal?
> fast loading, bugs, tips.
> anythin' will be great
> Later ...
> louie.
> -"mummy,mummy, louie sad Anal !"
> p.s.
> cant attend wednesdays meeting,
> saw the LWE pics, Nice knowing the faces that run/partake this list.
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