[nycphp-talk] can i replace curl with sockets?

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Wed Jan 29 17:05:44 EST 2003

> Try to limit user input from getting into system() and related calls
as much
> as possible, and you'll be ok.

The thought of user input going anywhere near system calls makes my
teeth chatter.

Here's what I'm running instead of the fsock-- solution:
exec('curl ' . '-d ' . $post_vars . ' ' . $this->url, $data);

And then when I ran it via ssh, I found out that ssl support hasn't been
complied into my server's curl.  Thankfully my host is always helpful
and will solve that one for me.

> fsockopen() failed to open because '' is not a
valid address
> (fsockopen() takes only a hostname [and protocol]).

Thank you.

Well, I suppose I'm at my host's mercy waiting for them to get curl
going with ssl support.  I was really hoping to make something that
could run without having to bother them, but oh well.


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