[nycphp-talk] Problem with xml_parse_into_struct

Jayesh Sheth JayeshSh at
Fri Jan 31 10:56:06 EST 2003

Hello Chris,

There is a ready-made PHP-Pear RSS XML class ( ). You can see it 
being used at my Mozblogs at MozTips site: 
, a very experimental and very basic web based RSS feed reader.

- Jay Sheth

chris at wrote:

>Phil Powell wrote:
>>I have various XML files that might contain <> tags inside the element body, for example:
>><news id="1" shortDescription="Stuff Happened Today">Today on <b>1/29/03</b>, stuff happened</news>
>I've been wondering about this, too. I've been parsing RSS newsfeeds 
>(which sounds like the format you might want to try to get your data in 
>if you have any control over it-- ). 
>The RSS spec declares that html entities must be escaped, which makes it 
>easy to parse.
>But then I decided to try building templates using XML and ran into 
>exactly this problem-- I'm not an XML expert, but I wonder two things:
>1) Can I wrap blocks of HTML with CDATA tags to cause the parser to 
>ignore the tags?
>2) Should there be a parser function created (as part of PHP) that flags 
>certain tags as containing unparseable data?
>I didn't have time to try 1 yet and 2 is a little out of my league. Is 
>there another way besides brute-force tag rewriting?
>    chris.

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