[nycphp-talk] sqlite/php5/mysqli

Hans Zaunere hans at
Mon Jul 14 18:42:19 EDT 2003

Jon Baer wrote:

> well im really waiting for php5 more for cli stuff but what's is (or seems)
> more confusing is that you have mysqli stuff ...

I've been using CLI PHP for over a year and it's worked essentially flawless; especially since 4.3.x, CLI has really come together.

> which primarily states that the functions are meant for mysql 4.1+ which
> means eventually when u do upgrade ur mysql packages that u would need to
> recode according to this new api or would it become dissolved altogether
> since php+mysql is no more ... is it kinda like code w/ mysql @ ur own risk
> since its extension is built in, then vice versa, then have a new api.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, I've been hearing a lot of concern regarding the decoupling of php and mysql.  While the MySQL client libs have been bundled, it's always been recommended to link against the "real" clients libs from MySQL, especially for critical systems.  There are a number of reasons for this, but IMHO the unbundling of MySQL is actually a good thing, in the true sense of making php lighterweight and moving extensions to PECL.  Quite honestly, I'm not very hot on bundling sql-lite, though.

mysqli is also a good thing, when it matures.  It'll enable many of the features and flexibility only found in those "other guy's" DBs.  After working with OCI8, and taking into account some of the major additions to MySQL in the near future, mysqli will become a nessecity, and a benefit.


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