[nycphp-talk] apache 2.0.x and prefork

John Lacey jlacey at
Sun Jul 27 23:38:09 EDT 2003

thanks Hans.. that helps
btw... I've been quite busy on a php training project and had to put 
*everything* on the back burner

seems you've got the cutover to the new server and lots of other stuff 
humming along nicely...


> John Lacey wrote:
>> Hi
>> Am looking for input on whether you folks think running apache 2.0.x 
>> with the prefork mpm is safe with regard to PHP
> Safe... on Linux yes; FreeBSD, no.  Production quality on either; no  :)
>> I realize that if I run 1.3.x I'll be golden, but am curious if 
>> anyone's had problems with 2.0 in 'prefork mode'
> Using a server (in near-production) with Apache2 in prefork on RedHat, 
> things carried along well.  There were, however, occasionly strange 
> problems, and although I couldn't pin them down exactly, when we went 
> to full-production, we haven't seen these issues at all with Apache 
> 1.3.x.  I know that's a weighted response, however, so the problems 
> could have been due to a number of things that changed between the 
> deployments.
> H
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