[nycphp-talk] Job Offer (continued)

Daniel Kushner nyphp at
Mon Jul 7 15:35:52 EDT 2003

As a followup from my previous post, here is some more information from the
Please reply to david at

The client  has many local organizations (up to a few hundred) who might
want small web sites of their own. We are discussing designing a template to
hand off to their members, who could then modify and save as their own web
site. But most of the members aren't technically proficient to work in
Dreamweaver or a similar app.

We'd like to discuss a system where members could work from templates
through a web browser. They'd enter information in fields and press a submit
button to create the content of a web page, and then upload. Of course the
pages would follow a main template, and the goal is not to make original
design but just to publish.

Can this be designed and implemented using php? What would the general costs


David Schiffer
DLS Design
Award-winning design of
corporate web sites and graphics.


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