[nycphp-talk] latest vulnerabilities...

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Tue Jun 10 12:15:55 EDT 2003

--- Chris Snyder <chris at> wrote:
> Hans Zaunere wrote:
> >Like sendmail, I think we need to start a "Don't Blame PHP" campaign.  All
> >except one of these issues is application related - not PHP itself.  Yet,
> >when talking with "outsiders" about PHP, a common theme is insecurity.
> >  
> >
> The blessing and curse of the language is how easy it is for a relative 
> novice to pick it up and cobble together a really powerful application, 
> without knowing or caring about all the different ways that somebody 
> could come along and abuse it. The fact that most PHP code operates in a 
> hostile environment (the internet) compounds the perception problem.
> Look at it this way-- peer review has just upgraded security on seven 
> different PHP projects! Maybe NYPHP should have review team that pokes 
> at member-submitted apps and checks for things like unescaped UIDs from 
> cookies and cross-site-scripting opportunities.

This is a great idea.  How could this get started?  A blog? Forum? New


> Thanks for posting that summary, Dan!
>     chris.
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