[nycphp-talk] mod_security

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Tue Jun 10 12:25:23 EDT 2003

Hi Chris:

On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 09:50:54AM -0400, Chris Snyder wrote:
> Is anybody on the list using mod_security? Thoughts? Performance?

Interesting.  I just took a look at the site.  The documentation, which is
unfortunately only in pdf, could provide better detail on how the thing

Sanitizing and validating input is so very important, and by the number of
items showing up on bugtraq, is too often overlooked.  My Form Solution
class,, helps with that
a bit.

> In the latest version you can 
> apparently chroot the environment in which scripts are run:

It sounds like they're talking about chrooting Apache itself via this 
module, without having to rely on chrooting via the operating system.  
But, what if their module or apache gets circumvented somehow?  Then the 
attacker is home free.



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