[nycphp-talk] New York PHP Adopts Mailman as Mailing List Manager

New York PHP contact at
Mon Jun 30 16:44:12 EDT 2003

Apologies to those who will receive this message multiple times; we are still in a testing phase with Mailman.

Due to member's requests and the current system falling short in some respects, NYPHP's mailing lists are now operated by Mailman (  This is anticipated as temporary until our own system is upgraded and enhanced.

There are both pros and cons to using Mailman in contrast to our home-grown system (which was entirely in PHP):

-- Handles modern MIME messages better, including attachments and HTML or signed messages
-- Highly anticipated "Send me my password" functionality
-- Digests
-- Generic yet familiar interface (

-- Ghost accounts are not available with Mailman - all mailing list posts must come from a single email address.
-- The "Active Threads" area of is lost (if you are familiar with Mailman, please contact our Development list (dev at with any ideas on how this could be implemented using Mailman's static HTML archives)
-- Date and time information of messages can be incorrect (the old system timestamped each message)
-- Mailman is a bit slower than our PHP version

Please take a look at the system ( and report any errors, enhancements and suggestions to listmaster at or our Development list (dev at, and we urge you to take advantage of new features such as list digests and other customizations.

Development continues on our mailing list manager, pList, as our CVS/SourceForge server goes on line.  Many exciting features are planned, including subscribing/unsubscribing from specific threads, full-text search of archives, user comments of archived messages, accurate discussion threading, web forum integration and RSS feeds.  We’d also like to hear your suggestions and ideas at dev at

Lastly, please send any errors, configuration issues or suggestions regarding the new Mailman installation to listmaster at

Thank you,

New York PHP

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