[nycphp-talk] Announcing the Long Island PHP Users Group

tom at tom at
Wed Mar 5 14:06:55 EST 2003

(Also posted on LILUG, sorry to those who received two copies!)

Hello All,

I would like to start a Long Island PHP users group for the folks out here
that cannot travel to Manhattan for NYPHP meetings, and am looking for
others who may be interested in the same. I've checked with my boss, and he
is supportive of the idea, so I can provide the following for now:

- Meeting space - our office (Hauppauge) will hold about 15 or so people,
and we can secure other space if we need it.

- Hosting space - for a website/mailing list, etc.  I have a dedicated
machine running Linux, the mailman software and Apache/PHP at

- Computers/Network - we have several computers available in the office for
demos, surfing, etc.

- Coffee, bottled water, etc - we have that stuff here for the employees, so
ordering a little more isn't such a big deal.

I figured that we could meet the last week of every month (Mon/Wed/Friday is
good for me, but whatever the group decides is fine), as to not conflict
with LILUG.  We have registered the domain, and the website and
mailing list could operate from there (the mailing list is already

Newbies and experienced PHP developers are both strongly encouraged to
attend.  We would like the group to cater to both.  Personally, I feel that
promoting professional use of PHP will only give it more credibility in the
corporate world, which is a good thing for all of us.  But, as I said
before, the group is meant for both parties, and in fact, if we can't get
any volunteers, I figured I would give an overview of PHP in terms of
features, use, and installation.

I invite everyone interested in PHP to join the mailing list.  (Of course,
the member list not available to anyone except the administrators.)

If you would to volunteer in any way, we need the following:

* Speakers for our meetings
* A website
* System Administrator for our LIPHP server
* Promotion
* Someone to work on a mission/charter, and officers
* Maybe a projector?

and anything else that I haven't thought of (which I'm sure is plenty).

I welcome your comments and questions.  Since this is a new creation, I am
not married to any of the ideas above (except the concept of a Long Island
PHP users group - I like that idea, of course!) and encourage suggestions.
Any problems with the mailing list, please let me know as well.


Tom Melendez

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