needed web programming tutor for 10 year old

Jackson Maio jackson at
Wed May 7 10:06:25 EDT 2003

This is definitely an unusual request.

A friend's friend has a 10 year old who would like to learn web
programming for this summer.

If someone who would like to take up this challenge. Tutoring would probably
take 2-3 hours per session, 2-3 times a week during weekdays.
Teaching time is flexible and tutoring fee is open for discussion.  If
interested, please contact Randy at projectconsultants at or I can
forward it to him.

About the potential student:
He has been in the States for 3 months in Long Island City, NY, and
is just beginning to adjust to the language.  He had
extensive English and computer tutoring at the Pagan
school in Harbin, China but his English is not advanced
enough to be taught in standard classroom level.  He
currently attends UNIS United Nations school but has
problems because his computer skills are at a higher
level than his peers but the language is a barrier.

Jackson Maio

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