[nycphp-talk] XML files

Ian Forsyth ian at
Thu May 8 14:29:45 EDT 2003


set up a class to handle the specific db requests. set up the soap  
server.. (there is a soap server available via pear). the client can  
make request to your server via http, or https using a soap api for  
their language.

On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 11:59 AM, Larry Chuon wrote:

> Chalu,
> Unfortunately OSSuite is a LAMP based product, not Python.  It is  
> missing
> CMS/workflow engine.  You and I have worked with Zope for a while.  We
> understand the importance behind workflow.  Hopefully, my team can
> re-architect a framework that will incorporate a workflow engine for
> OSSuite.  We are writing a spec for that as we speak. I just want to  
> add XML
> into the mix.  Anirudh and I chatted about this awhile back.  I think  
> it is
> time to take a closer look at XML and other best of breed technology.
> Whatever we come up with, resource is still an issue.  Hopefully, some  
> of
> you can help us out.  Anybody?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chalu Kim [mailto:chalu at]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 2:46 PM
> To: talk at; Larry Chuon
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] XML files
> This is the kind of stuff you need the workflow for.
> I am speaking in pseudo.
> For example, XML files are published. Then, somebody comes along and  
> changes
> it. That pushes the state to say "retracted" or "changed". This event  
> in a
> workflow system can trigger an action.
> Before the state change, you could have an opportunity to execute  
> rules.
> This is not a simple arena as you need a way to define rules. There  
> have
> been
> several attempts such as ZPatterns (available in Zope or Java).
> This enables you to define at the interface level as in receiving data  
> to
> trigger actions. In ZPatterns, you can use ZPatterns language  
> (declarative)
> to define behaviors of data reception. Unfortunately, this approach is  
> not
> for average for it is difficult to work with. Just get into this  
> rarefied
> Pattern language and all.
> None of XML related stuff will address workflow or aspect-oriented
> programming
> because XML files themselves need to remember what state they are in.
> If it is a possibility to mix and match, you can publish XML files into
> Zope.
> That gets you workflow. XML files will be available through web or  
> FTP. When
> it gets changed, it can do some processing.
> Good luck
> On Wednesday 07 May 2003 02:17 pm, Larry Chuon wrote:
>> Hi Anirudh,
>> Long time no hear.  Thank you and everyone at NYPHP  
>> <mailto:everyone at NYPHP>
>> for the solution.  I learn a great deal in the last day and half.  As
> Chalu
>> had noted, I need to rethink through the solution again.  Pumping out
>> nearly a million XML files is not the best practice.  Last night, I
>> accepted Gary Malcolm's invitation to look at Xindice.  Xindice uses  
>> Xpath
>> and Xupdate, it addresses some of my concerns (not certain how many
> records
>> it can support though, but I can categorize).  Unfortunately, Xindice  
>> does
>> not have a PHP client for their API.  I need to figure out something  
>> for
>> this.
>> Your sample codes resolve my large volume of files should I ever need  
>> to
>> spit out more XML files.
>> Now, I have a whole new set of problems.  Lets say, I need to share  
>> data
>> with some companies.  The XML files get changed and must be updated  
>> on my
>> system or their system depending on who is/are the recipient(s) of the
>> changes.  Since I have nearly a million records, how do I keep track  
>> of
>> changes?  Importing everything back into Xindice or whatever  
>> repository in
>> a multiple of X times will generate a lot unnecessary traffic.  On the
>> other hand, updating only the changes will require a lot of tracking
>> (timestamp) as well.  Finally, giving appropriate hook to the partners
> will
>> require an extensive predefined business rules (I don't know it all  
>> and I
>> don't assume to know my partners/users business workflow either) and  
>> some
>> sort of version control for rollback and approval process similarly to
> CMS.
>>  Thought anybody?
>> Thanks for all the suggestions guys.
>> Larry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Anirudh Zala [mailto:anirudh at]
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 2:17 AM
>> To: talk at
>> Cc: LarryC at
>> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] XML files
>> Larry
>> Let's have look about your problems 1 by 1
>> 1: Problem of storing and accessing large volume of files in 1  
>> container
>> directory.
>> A: In such cases splitted directory structure solution is best like  
>> what
>> "Rick Seeger" has suggested. Hence you can design a special directory
>> structure that can generate new directory as and when total amout of  
>> files
>> execeeds the limit say... 100 files per directory. Below sample  
>> function
>> does that (it generate new directory as soon as "id" exceeds value  
>> 100)
>> function createDir($id,$parent)
>> {
>>     $nd_dirlimit = 100;
>>     $mod = ceil($id/$nd_dirlimit) - 1;
>>     $dirs = $mod * $nd_dirlimit + 1;
>>     $dire = $dirs + $nd_dirlimit - 1;
>>     $tempDir = $dirs."_".$dire;
>>     if(! file_exists("$parent/$tempDir"))
>>           mkdir("$parent/$tempDir",0777);
>>     return "$tempDir";
>> }
>> By above method dirctory structure will be like ../1_100/,  
>> ../101_200/,
>> ./201_300/ and in each directory file name with id say "1.xml" to
> "100.xml"
>> (or with any name) will reside. Once above directory structure is
>> implemented no script will crawl like now :D.
>> 2: Importing Data into DB by parsing XML files
>> A: Use php's file "XPath.class.php" this is very nice OO file to  
>> parse XML
>> documents at greater speed. It has lot of easy to use method and
> properties
>> like $xml->evaluate, $xml->setAttributes, $xml->appendChild,
>> $xml->removeAttribute, $xml->exportToFile which you can  
>> parse lot
>> of XML documents like playing Zigsaw puzzles. It is very handy, class
> based
>> php file. Check example at
>> <>
>> Some times it is useful to use Utilities of Perl and executing your
>> perl/cgi scripts from console level. This very fastest and reliable  
>> method
>> IF such doucmens are to be generated, read or write in batch mode.  
>> Perl's
>> XML::DOM package helps here. Other advantage of such mechanism is  
>> that you
>> can run such scripts seperately from other servers that has connection
> with
>> your DB server, hence reduction of overhaed on your main server that  
>> has
>> php scripts running.
>> Another method is XSQL that is powerful but still new to us and PHP,  
>> where
>> your DB SQL is written directly into XML file that syncronises (update
> your
>> XML document from DB by executing XSQL) your XML and DB from 2 ways.
> (Can't
>> tell much here :( )
>> 3: Is there another way to index and query large volumes of documents?
>> A: I am not getting here exactly your problem, But if you need faster
>> document access from directory or file system (serching 1 file from
> million
>> files) then answer of 1 st question can help here where you just need  
>> to
>> search particular document from 100 files from documnet diretory,  
>> already
>> given from DB.
>> And if question is related to Data then use of indexes (Indexing  
>> commonly
>> used fields in Db like primary keys and foreigh keys) in mysql can  
>> make
>> "Access of record" faster.
>> Thanks,
>> Anirudh Zala ( azala at <mailto:azala at> )
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----
>> - --------------------------
>> Anirudh Zala (Project Manager),           Tel: +91 281 2451894
>> AUM Computers,                                Gsm: +91 98981 37727
>> 317, Star Plaza,
>> <mailto:anirudh at> anirudh at
>> Rajkot-360001, Gujarat, INDIA,              
>> <>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----
>> - --------------------------
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Larry Chuon" <  <mailto:LarryC at>
>> LarryC at> To: "NYPHP Talk" <  <mailto:talk at>
>> talk at>
>> Sent: Wednesday, 07 May, 2003 4:01 AM
>> Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] XML files
>>> Thank you all for your quick responses.  I'll consider generating  
>>> XML on
>> the
>>> fly (still new at this).  Here's another question.  Besides importing
> the
>>> files to dB, is there another way to index and query large volumes of
>>> documents.  I'm going out of tangent a bit here.  Let say, I'm  
>>> archiving
>>> tons of document for a public library.  They want to scan and  
>>> digitize
>>> millions of articles.  What is the best way to index and search for
>> articles
>>> say by keywords or captions?
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Malcolm, Gary [mailto:gmalcolm at]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 5:53 PM
>>> To: NYPHP Talk
>>> Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] XML files
>>>  <>
>>>  <>
>>>  <>
>>>  <>
>>> cheap hosting... cheap db access... i love (hearts in eyes) mysql
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From:  <mailto:soazine at> soazine at
>> [mailto:soazine at]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, 06 May, 2003 2:41 PM
>>>> To: NYPHP Talk
>>>> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] XML files
>>>> Importing the XML files into a database is an ideal solution,
>>>> unfortunately, not always an available one, such as in my
>>>> case.  I have
>>>> space on a remote server where database access is very
>>>> expensive (it's my
>>>> own site and out of my price range to afford db access), so I have  
>>>> to
>>>> resort to XML as well.  PHP parses XML extremely fast and
>>>> efficiently; I
>>>> highly recommend it.
>>>> I'd use PHP's available XML parsers along with grouping them into
>>>> directories sorted by a date or some other delimiter to allow
>>>> for smaller
>>>> amount of files per directory.
>>>> Phil
>>>> Original Message:
>>>> -----------------
>>>> From: Analysis & Solutions   
>>>> <mailto:danielc at>
>> danielc at
>>>> Date: Tue,  6 May 2003 17:35:16 -0400
>>>> To:  <mailto:talk at> talk at
>>>> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] XML files
>>>> On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 04:49:21PM -0400, Larry Chuon wrote:
>>>>> I'm doing everything that you mention below.
>>>> So, import the files into a database and get rid of the XML files.
>>>> Here's a quick tutorial on how to parse XML in PHP:
>>>> Enjoy,
>>>> --Dan
>>>> --
>>>>      FREE scripts that make web and database programming easier
>>>>             <>
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> --
> Chalu Kim
> eGenius Inc
> Technology Partner
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