one more issue...

Joshua S. Freeman jfreeman at
Wed May 14 16:49:33 EDT 2003

so, the very next 'area' after 'surface clean: [ ] brush  [ ] vacuum' is

'Structural Treatment' which contains  4 different checkboxes plus a <input
type='text' name='other'> for something in addition to or different from the
4 checkboxes, any of which may or may not be checked...

how do I handle something like this in the main specimen table if these are
all under the heading 'structural treatment' ?  with some kind of table
devoted to 'structural treatment' right?

that would be something like this:

table structural treatment


and then I reference st_id in my main 'specimen' table, right?

but... ok..

in this case the only possibilites are:

y y y y other
y n n n other
y y n n other
y y y n other
n n n n other
n y y y other
n n y y other
n n n y other
y n n y other
n y y n other
y n y n other
n y n y other
y n y y other
y y n y other
n y n n other
n n y n other

so... should i break out the part of structural treatment that involves the
4 checkboxes which have a finite number of combinations from 'other' which
has an infinite number of combinations?


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