[nycphp-talk] PHP and MySQL "Action Items" modules...

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Nov 20 10:16:31 EST 2003

Fee, Patrick J (US SSA) wrote:

> Afternoon all.
> Can anyone suggest a GNU license solution for an action items list.
> It could be a PostNule or PHPNuke module ... but I need to build a
> portal site and the one requirement is that it handle Action Items:
> Listed them, who is responsible, and the current status (Open, closed,
> re-opened, etc.).
> Can anyone help me find a basic solution that is open source? I want to
> use PostNuke or PHPNuke ....

Don't know the nukes myself, but there are some project management types of applications - dotProject comes to mind, IIRC.


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