[nycphp-talk] Cross domain Logins

Brian Pang bpang at
Thu Nov 20 22:48:38 EST 2003

> I've gotten the reply from my client and it turns out these will be on the
> same server and if I wish, we can use the same database for the two sites.

I was fortunate to be in a similar situation when I had to use this;
same server leveraging the same database.

> And the image thing.. Magnificent!  Now doesn't this cause security errors
> on IE without some kind of specialized privacy policy that explains the
> off-domain image?  At least for ie?

Not that I'm aware of. Again, consider banner ads. Do you get warnings
from IE everytime a banner tries to set a cookie? (ok, if you have it
set to prompt you when cookies are being set, with the option to refuse
them, but that is different).

>Getting the image on both sites is not
> an issue by any means - Just wondering if it's absolutely a tried and true
> solution.  Definitely an incredible idea.

this is why I included the link to yahoo's privacy policy. I'd say it's
pretty tried and true just based on that.

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