[nycphp-talk] no longer need help with debugging mail()

Michael Southwell southwell at
Fri Nov 21 11:59:29 EST 2003

Thanks for all the responses (though many suggestions 
assumed--incorrectly--that I have access to the server).  It turns out that 
the problem was angle brackets in the $from variable ($from="my name 
<email at somewhere.xx>";), which were no problem on one site and a problem on 
the other one (haven't yet figured out why).  Changing them to entities 
fixed everything--but I think I'll just get rid of them anyway.

At 04:51 PM 11/20/2003, I wrote:
>I am moving a site from one server to another one (the new one is in nyc 
>and has a 2-letter extension ;-).  The contact form on the old site is 
>working perfectly, but identical code on the new one isn't.  Phpinfo tells 
>me that sendmail is there and presumably working.  Docs say that mail() 
>returns TRUE or FALSE so I tried this code:
>if (mail($to,$subject,$message,$from)==FALSE) do something
>else do something else
>which always does something else so mail seems to be returning TRUE but 
>the message never arrives.  How do I do a better job of debugging what's 

Michael G. Southwell =================================
DNEBA Enterprises
81 South Road
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1419
973/492-7873 (voice and fax)
southwell at

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