[nycphp-talk] cURL install

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Wed Oct 1 21:58:56 EDT 2003

Hi Vinay,

Since you are compiling the cURL extension as a shared library, the module must
be loaded in your php.ini.  You'll need to add something like:
I'm not sure of the actual name of the library, but you should find it in
/usr/lib/php4 or somewhere similar.

If you don't have that file the attempt to add curl support may have failed.
You'll want to look at the output of the configure script to be sure it found
everything it needed for curl support.

Hope that helps and good luck with the LP Select API.


On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 06:15:16PM -0700, Vinay Chinnam wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am trying to get linkpoint select API integrated into an osCommerce installation and get the following error at the very first step.
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() 
> I asked for cURL to be installed and after a short time I was told that he got it installed from instructions found at some website ( ) but the phpinfo doesnt show any section which says that curl is installed/enabled.
> I do see curl in the config line as below..
> '--with-curl=shared,/usr/local/curl' 
> but even now I get the fatal error .. anything I missed? . help anyone!
> I can put up a public phpinfo if required ..
> thanks,
> Vinay

Andrew Yochum
Digital Pulp, Inc.
andrew at

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