[nycphp-talk] any of you ever wrote a get_next_id function in PHP?

Phil Powell soazine at
Mon Oct 6 00:08:19 EDT 2003

   function getNewID($fieldName, $tableName) { // INT "METHOD" FOR NON-AUTO-INCREMENT FIELDS
    global $dbConn;
    $sql = "SELECT MAX($fieldName) FROM $tableName";
    $query = mysql_query($sql, $dbConn) or die('Could not perform query: ' . mysql_error());
    if (!($row = mysql_fetch_row($query))) return 1;
    return $row[0];

I'm trying to retrieve the max(ID) from a column that cannot be auto_incremented (since mySQL version on this remote site only allows for tables to have ONE auto_increment field - how stupid), the basic premise is this:

I either return
1) the max ID
2) '1'

How have you guys done it, or what have I missed?

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