[nycphp-talk] Fonts and GD

Daniel Kushner nyphp at
Thu Oct 9 12:10:51 EDT 2003

Hi PHPers,

Sorry for the large file post and please forgive my ignorance in graphics
and fonts!

The attached files show graphs generated using JGraph
( version 1.12.1. The fonts in the
good.jpg are what else but good, and visa versa for the bad.jpg. The .html
files are phpinfo's for each server. The good fonts are being generated
using PHP 4.0.6 and bad fonts are on a server running PHP 4.1.2. Both
servers have GD 1.8.3.

Any pointers in how to get the  PHP 4.1.2 to generate fonts as in the 4.0.6
installation would be appriciated.

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