[nycphp-talk] Handling MySQL result sets

Michael Myers myersm at
Thu Oct 30 06:18:54 EST 2003

On Thursday, October 30, 2003, at 01:14  AM, Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg 

> The "best" solution is probably for you to do some sort of SQL JOIN
> here. This will condense the two result sets into one. Or am I
> misunderstanding what's going on here? I guess it depends upon the
> size of your keyed information and how (un)common it is.

Yes, in principle that would be best. It also seems best to minimize 
the total number of SQL queries when generating a page. But I didn't 
take this approach because it would lead to some redundancy. The 
"topics" are not mutually exclusive, so there are often identifiers 
shared between them. (the topics are queries to a search engine, and 
the identifiers are result pointers; some queries generate overlapping 
hits). Size of the data structure might also be an issue, but I'm so 
new to MySQL and PHP I don't have an empirical sense of how fast it can 

I'm anxious to get this first project working!


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