[nycphp-talk] Force File Download HTTP Headers and IE Issue

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Wed Sep 3 17:01:30 EDT 2003

>I think this has been addressed in the archives already..
>but maybe not specific to PDF
>this works for me. Still prompts to save, but fills in the filename.
>Does it work for you?
>header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
>header("Pragma: no-cache");
>header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
>header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");

It's worth pointing out, I suppose, that to some systems (i.e., 
classic Mac OS), once you tell the browser that a JPEG (or PDF in 
your case) is "application/octet-stream", it is no longer a JPEG (or 

If this is a controlled Windows environment which relies on simple 
file extensions to identify files, you're probably fine, but if you 
don't know the types of clients that might connect, you run a risk of 
creating problems where people might double-click on the resulting 
downloaded file and nothing happenes, because the OS no longer 
recognizes it as a JPEG.

Marc Antony Vose

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-- Albert Einstein

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