[nycphp-talk] more on &$var in function

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Fri Sep 5 11:16:26 EDT 2003

Chris Shiflett wrote:

>--- Michael Southwell <southwell at> wrote:
>>why wouldn't you *always* define the parameter with & instead of
>>using a global statement?
>Speaking personally, it depends on whether I think the parameter is closely
>related to the function and how much data is already required to be passed in.

I agree-- if you have a function that updates a number of global objects 
or variables, you don't want to force yourself to list them all as 
arguments every time you call the function.

As a further note, I always use global statements in order to make 
objects available to the local scope, but for looking at or updating 
regular variables I tend to use the $GLOBALS array so that the local 
namespace doesn't get to crowded.


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