[nycphp-talk] Fw: kontakt.php

Brian Pang bpang at
Wed Sep 10 15:39:14 EDT 2003


Have you considered reading the online PHP manual for the functions you
are experiencing difficulty with?

This "problem" is quite easily solved in the first user comment on this

Without looking at your code, I am going to tell you that you need to
set the message headers.

The online PHP manual is great. I have never read a PHP book and don't
think I'll ever need to (sorry to you PHP book authors out there) and I
have no formal programming education (I'm a natural, what can I say?)

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> Ok, guys I'm having mail() problems with my form, can someone address
this, I'm at a loss.  I'm attaching the code itself, it's quite small.
> This is becoming routine, every single task I am tasked to do for this
project I physically am unable to do. :(
> Phil
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Ragnar 
> To: Phil Powell (E-post) 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 10:13 AM
> Subject: kontakt.php
> Phil
> 1.    When using the form everything looks wery nice, BUT when I
recieve the mail it says sender is: nobody [nobody at]
>         And the information entered  in the form is missing except the
comments in the comment field.
> 2.    In the registrer.php the same sender appear BUT there I get all
> Sorry if I made a mess earlier with the code in kontakt.php this could
mitgh be the reason, but afterall you fixed it nicely.
> lookin in to it?
> Takker så mye = tackar sã mycket.
> "Utålmodighet bidrar ofte til at vi svarer før du spør!"
> ("Our inpatience often contribute in our answers even before you ask!")
> Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards
> Ragnar Zaal
> Daglig leder / Manager
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