[nycphp-talk] Fatal error when trying to connect to dbusingDB/MySQL

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Tue Sep 16 12:37:54 EDT 2003

Hi Peter:

> I got it to work by including PEAR.php.

I had a feeling you were calling the DB class incorrectly (and you still
are).  I didn't say anything about it in my last message because I didn't
have an example at my finger tips to show you.  Now I do...

All you need to to is include DB.php, set the DSN and then connect.  The 
database type used is determined by the DSN.

    $DSN = 'DB_Type://DB_User:DB_Pass@DB_Protocol+DB_Host:DB_Port/DB_Db';
    $Options['debug'] = 2;

    $db = DB::connect($DSN, $Options);
    if ( DB::isError($db) ) {
        $killProcess('Having problems connecting to the database: '
                . $db->getMessage() );



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