[nycphp-talk] setcookie and localhost

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Thu Sep 18 21:37:08 EDT 2003

--- Michael Southwell <southwell at> wrote:
> sorry, don't get it. Both Moz1.4 and IE6.0 know where to put
> the cookie without being told anything, and they do indeed put
> it there, but upon next invocation they don't read it, as if
> it's not there.  What "path parameter" is this?

Cookies have various attributes that restrict the cases in which a browser will
send them in a request. He mentioned one of those attributes, path, that could
be causing your problem.

I think it is more likely a case of the domain being different, as that is
another attribute. Of course, we're both just guessing.

I am just now in the process of converting a chapter of my book into HTML, so
that I can offer it for free on my Web site. You can read the chapter (without
the figures, currently) here:

Hope that helps.


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