[nycphp-talk] Repost Post Vars

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Sun Sep 21 11:34:16 EDT 2003


On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 09:45:29AM -0400, Jeff Siegel wrote:
> Dan,
> If I'm reading this correctly, PHP does automatically handle the passing
> of the session ID (see snippet below). However, it doesn't directly
> address your question concerning the header call.

First, I doubt the transparent session ID / url rewriting works on
header(Location) calls.  Second, even if PHP did tack on a SID to the
location header, the location specified is supposed to be a full URI, thus 
would land in the rule that only relative links are rewritten.  Thus, you 
need to manually tack the session id into the header(Location) URI.

... snippity snip, because, that's why ...


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