[nycphp-talk] email list sign-up

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Sep 26 11:45:53 EDT 2003

Jay Greenspan wrote:

> I'm starting a site that's going to have a newsletter. I was planning on 
> sending a confirmation to the users who give their email data, something 
> that required them to click on a link to confirm their entry to the 
> list. Something simple like:
> You have signed up for the CollestSiteEver Newletter. To confirm, click 
> below
> But I recently heard that this type of email was sure to get caught by 
> spam filters on most major servers.
> Anyone have experience with this? Tips?

Not too much help I'm afraid, but when I use my Yahoo! email account and get confirmation messages, they don't end up marked as spam.


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