[nycphp-talk] ringtones...

Steven Samuel steven at
Fri Apr 2 11:18:15 EST 2004

Sorry about that. It was late. I should have been more thorough...

Essentially, I find that going through them cuts a lot of cost.

1. Customer Service. Sometimes people don't receive their ringtones and
then you have to help them. Depending on the customer, this can take
anywhere from 1 hour to a week before it's determined how to solve the

2. Licensing. If you do the tones, you have to contact each label and
publishing company to get a license for the songs. You will be paying
royalties per song. I can imagine it would get very techinical if you
were dealing with songs that contain samples because now you have to
contact a third party for music clearance.

One thing I like about 9Squared is that it's seamless. My site is and my ringtone site is
9Square took my template and wrap their content into it. (I have to
update it.) On my end, I just send my users e-mails letting them know
that I have new ringtones on my site. 9Squared also sells games and
other things for the cellphones. For the work I put into it (30 minutes
a week), I make a descent buck.

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