[nycphp-talk] hairbrained?

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Mon Apr 5 16:40:03 EDT 2004

Hmmm, remain calm. Running an ISP is not for the feint of heart.

It's a great idea if your mission is to provide support for other 
non-profits and birds-of-a-feather, because then you can devote the time 
and energy it will take to actually pull that off in a way that doesn't 
leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth.  In other words, your boss will 
have no trouble providing for all the staff required to form a 
profitable service provider with 24 hour support.

If that's not in your mission statement, then it could still be a 
middling idea if you know and trust your own ISP and want to form a 
partnership with them, and they have the ability to cobrand their services.

It's sounds like a lousy idea in any other case. Find good hosting and 
email, then spread the word to friends. But stay out of selling it 
without a sober assesment of what's involved. (Read up on griefers and 
trolls and spammers if you need more cynicism.)

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