[nycphp-talk] PHP-Gtk Complie Troubles

Scott Mattocks crisscott at
Wed Apr 7 12:07:04 EDT 2004

I am having lots of trouble getting PHP-Gtk 1.0 to compile.  I tried to 
ask this question to the php-gtk-general list but I think gtk hates me 
cause I can't even subscribe to the list right. Any help would be 
greatly appreciated.  I am pretty sure that it is just my setup but I 
can't figure it out.  I have searched the mail list archives and there 
doesn't seem to be much help for me there.  I am using RedHat Enterprise 
with PHP 5 RC1.

The problems start with configure.  If I run configure with no options I 
get an error saying that it can't find libGlade-config.  So I tried to 
run configure --with-libglad-config="path/libGlade2.0.1/configure" and I 
get an error saying "libglade is not configured for see 
path/libGlade2.0.1/configure --help"  That isn't a typo on my part.  It 
says "...configured for" but doesn't say configured for what!  When I 
look at the libglade config help I don't see anything remotely helpful. 
  Configure works if I use the --disable-libglade option but then I get 
issues with make.

After configuring without libglade I run make and get a PHP error in 
generator/scheme.php.  The error is on line 117 where it tries to do 
$this = unserialize ($this->parseTree);  Not really knowing what is 
going on there, I tried changing that line to $this->parseTree = 
unserialize ($this->parseTree);  That gets me further but then I get a 
large formatted error saying that my php.ini file should have 
register_argc_argv = On.  But it does have it set to on!

If anyone has hany suggestions I would love to hear them.  I have been 
fighting with this for three days now and it is really frustrating.  I 
was able to run everything flawlessly in one attempt on a server at work 
which runs RHEL and PHP 4.3.2.

Scott Mattocks

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