[nycphp-talk] spelling: log-in or login

Tim Gales tgales at
Sun Apr 11 06:29:20 EDT 2004

David Mintz writes:
" I got a client who thinks the word should be spelled 
 'log-in'. I think 'login' predominates and should be 
 somebody back me up here"

I don't know what your relationship is with 
your client, but my immediate reaction is:
if the client wants it spelled 'log-in' spell 
it the way the client wants.

I mean its not like people won't know how to 
use the website, if you don't spell 'login' in 
the generally accepted way.

In the future, if your client is in favor of 
making a major design blunder which would 
make the site very hard to use, and you want 
to persuade him/her not to, you don't want the   
client to view your suggestion as yet another 
'nit-picking' suggestion to alter the design.

Again, since I don't know what your relation- 
ship is with the client, I don't know how 
applicable this line of reasoning is.

This is just 'food for thought'.

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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