[nycphp-talk] MySQL versioning system

Ophir Prusak lists at
Wed Apr 28 17:52:24 EDT 2004

This is almost exactly what I'm doing where I work.
We need to record all changes to data (what changed, when, and by who).

If using MySQL is not a must, then you should look into PostgreSQL.
You can use triggers (and rules) in PostgreSQL to automatically record 
all the changes on table A into table B.


Mark Withington wrote:

>I have a client who would like to store product development information
>within a MySQL table.  The table will consist of multiple fields, each
>representing a product attribute (height, weight, color, etc.).  The client
>would like to store each iteration (or version) of the product development
>information along with the ability to role back to prior versions if
>I'd like to ensure that I'm not reinventing the wheel on this.  Anyone have
>any experience with such an effort?  Is this kind of information stored in
>the MySQL logs?  Any light shedding would be appreciated.
>Mark L. Withington
>"eBusiness for the Midsize Enterprise"
>PO Box 1354
>Plymouth, MA  02362
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>f: 508-746-4973
>v: 508-746-2383
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>Netscape/AOL/MSN IM: PLMresearch
>mwithington at
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