[nycphp-talk] Auth sessions

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Aug 13 00:40:03 EDT 2004

On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 06:57:14PM -0400, Matthew Terenzio wrote:
> When I moved it to the top of the page, the session portion worked 
> fine.

I'll bet you have/had a lovely combination of issues:
1) You're using cookies for the session data.
2) The cookies couldn't be set because the space at the top of the 
file was considered output, so further headers couldn't be sent 
(cookies are sent in the HTTP header)
3) You have your error reporting turned off, so you didn't get the 
infamous headers already sent error message.

So, you've solved 2, so now fix 3.  Set error reporting to E_ALL and 
display_errors = On so you start writing good code.


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