[nycphp-talk] Costing

Michael mogmios at
Sun Aug 15 22:00:14 EDT 2004

> Would you really want this? i mean it will index everything including the
> email addresses etc... in signitures and could cause spam.

A lot of mailing lists obscure the email addresses in their archieves. 
Often in such a way that human readers can figure out the real email 
address but not email bots.

It's certainly a good idea for all useful information to be indexed by 
Google and that includes mailing list discussions IMO. I've learned lots 
by such discussions and am often thanked by people for making sure 
answers to various problems were published on appropiate lists that I 
knew would be indexed. I go out of way to post such useful bits for 
Google to find even if I just figured out the answer for myself and 
nobody else has actually asked.

As far as email addresses in your sig.. well if you don't want spam then 
don't post your email address to places where you don't know who'll see 
it.. such as mailing lists. For myself I don't care. Spam doesn't really 
bother me much as my filters catch almost all of it. It's easy enough to 
use a different account for each mailing list you're on in case spam is 
a concern for you. Then if it gets to be to much you can just kill the 
address and resubscribe from a different address.

I've been toying for a while with opening a free (and ad free) server 
for geek user groups. Such that they'd provide easy to use tools for 
setting up a web site, mailing lists, and web-based mailing list 
archieve. I also thought about making it so people would have easy to 
use tools for creating/destroying multiple email account forwards. For 
those people who don't have their own email servers and don't want to 
use webmail accounts. Allow outgoing mail on those accounts and forward 
incoming mail to those accounts to some other email address. That should 
help manage the spam problem.

Michael <mogmios at>

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