[nycphp-talk] job: developers and designers needed

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Sat Aug 21 12:52:49 EDT 2004

--- inforequest <sm11szw02 at> wrote:
> For what it's worth, I agree off-list mod is in general a more
> sensitive approach to maintaining order, and helps keeps S/N high.
> However, given that this is a recent rule and not well known, I think 
> **** did the right thing reminding the list that commercial posts
> need to be approved.

The fact that it is a recent rule doesn't excuse the misapplication of it.
Letting someone know that we have a jobs list is great, and that's all
that needs to be said.

Even PHP-General allows job postings, and it's the largest PHP mailing
list in the world.

> Now that the list has seen a commercial post that didn't have a 
> "approved by the board" snippet

Did you read the email? Seriously, I can't imagine that the "commercial"
bit in the charter was intended to address some growing problem with
people not knowing we have a separate jobs list. If this were an email
from someone using the list as an advertising platform, then I would agree
that it is a misuse of the list, and I also think the poster would know
that intuitively.

Anyway, sorry for being the bad guy, but I felt something needed to be
said. I perceived a bit of a "holier than thou" attitude being projected
toward someone using us to locate PHP talent, and I don't want to be a
part of that. I *want* people to use NYPHP's resources to find PHP talent,
and I appreciate those who do. It makes our group stronger and more
valuable to the members and to the community.


Chris Shiflett -

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