[nycphp-talk] Accessing Properties in PHP OOP

randal rust rrust at
Thu Aug 26 10:18:33 EDT 2004

Scott Mattocks wrote:

> It is better because this allows each instance of client to have its own 
> instance of display and validator. It will let each client display 
> things they way they want without interfering with other client objects.

Thanks for explaining. That makes sense to me now.

> No! The constructor (function Client()) is the only one that needs to do 
> this. It is setting the members of the class so that they will be 
> alvailable in _all_ methods of the class. Once $this->display is 
> assigned you can use it in any method of the class.

OK, so I added the client() function, which acts as my constructor. 
Then, in my PHP page, I added...


... which sets everything up so that it can be used by the instance of 
the object, right?

I'm guessing so, since it's working.

Randal Rust

R.Squared Communications
Digital Design for Bricks-and-Mortar Businesses

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