[nycphp-talk] OT: Possible to send email to _specific_ exchange server?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Thu Aug 26 18:47:17 EDT 2004

maymay wrote:

> I have an interesting problem which I’m unable to solve on my own. I’m 
> hoping someone here can offer some help. This is my first post to the 
> list, but I’ve been lurking for a while and it seems that many 
> brilliant and generous minds post here.
> Here’s my problem:
> I’ve got a client with a tiny web site which I built for them. In it, 
> I included a contact form — nothing fancy, just an HTML form to send 
> mail() to a specific address: me at
> The problem arose when I transferred the site from my server to 
> theirs: they have a shared web hosting plan provided by 
> with the domain name but they have their email accounts set 
> up at Network Solutions, Inc, also with the host name
> This means that whenever PHP sends an email to me at, it never 
> leaves LunarPages’ network and instead of getting routed to the email 
> account at Network Solutions it gets routed to the main account 
> webmail at LunarPage’s control panel! Not the intended effect at all.

Its possible that Lunar Pages have erroneously configured their mail 
server to accept mail for and so when the web server forwards 
the email to their server it just delivers it locally instead of looking 
up the MX and sending it on to the Network Solutions mail server for 
that domain. I see the MX record in DNS for points to 
INBOUND.SPHGRP.COM.NETSOLMAIL.NET. You can probably test this by 
connecting to the Lunar Pages mail server and see if you can send to an 
email address in the domain (if you can then that's a 
problem). Either way the problem appears to be at the Lunar Pages end.

Systems Administrator / Developer

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