[nycphp-talk] OT: Filezilla & Putty Security Updates

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Fri Aug 27 07:26:17 EDT 2004

Security holes found in Putty and Filezilla. Brief description and 
relevant URLs are below.

Jeff S.

"2004-08-03 SECURITY HOLE, fixed in PuTTY 0.55
PuTTY 0.55, released today, fixes a serious security hole which may 
allow a server to execute code of its choice on a PuTTY client 
connecting to it. In SSH2, the attack can be performed before host key 
verification, meaning that even if you trust the server you think you 
are connecting to, a different machine could be impersonating it and 
could launch the attack before you could tell the difference. We 
recommend everybody upgrade to 0.55 as soon as possible. "


"Recently, a security vulnerability in PuTTY was found (read for details) which 
allows attackers to execute malicious code on anyone using PuTTY.
Since the SFTP support in FileZilla is based on PuTTY, FileZilla was 
vulnerable as well if connecting to SFTP servers. Version 2.2.8 of 
FileZilla fixes the security holes."

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