[nycphp-talk] [ OT ] Web Hosting Gone Bad

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Dec 3 17:10:57 EST 2004

Michael wrote:

> Most hosting companies I have worked with didn't make any real effort 
> at security and didn't seem to have much expertise. You're really 
> better off getting a dedicated host and managing it yourself.

Well, as someone who works for an ISP, I feel that clients are their own 
worst enemy. For example, they will continue using the same old insecure 
scripts they have always been using even when it is widely known they 
represent security problems. Designers are the worst because they 
usually have no clue. If you have thousands of sites being hosted its 
hard to keep an eye on what scripts a client is running - all we can do 
is inform them of the problem and hope they take care of it and learn 
from it.

Systems Administrator / Developer

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