[nycphp-talk] primary key alphanumerical

John Lacey jlacey at
Thu Dec 9 16:54:17 EST 2004

jaime bermudez wrote:
> Hi there,
> Is there any way to make a Primary Key that is a
> combination of letters and numbers. I have an
> application form that collects teachers information,
> then every teacher should submit their school
> principal and their school supervisor, the problem is
> that each (PK) is just a consecutive number.
> Therefore, each application contains 3 diferent
> numbers like 001 (for the teacher) 002 (for the
> principal) and 003 (for the supervisor) this gets
> confusing when I try to separate them to transfer from
> MySQL into an Access database. It would be ideal if
> they are something like that : TEA001, PRI001, SUP001,
> etc...

A primary key, or any key, can be comprised of more than one field (and 
they don't have to be contiguous).  So, you can have an auto_increment 
field (fld1) that bumps the numbers and another field (fld2) that 
contains "letters".  The primary key is then keyname (fld1, fld2).

something along those lines should work for you.


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