[nycphp-talk] php + mysql

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Dec 17 13:27:10 EST 2004

On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 12:55:00PM -0500, Juancarlos Aponte wrote:
> Hey, I'm trying to get PHP 5.0.x to work with the latest MySQL on
> Windows Server 2003

WHICH version of MySQL?  4.0.x needs the mysql extension.  4.1.x needs 
the mysqli extension.

Are you running PHP as a CGI or as a module?

> got rid of the semicolon in front of the phpmysql.dll line in the ini
> file but it still doesn't work.

You mean php_mysql.dll (or php_mysqli.dll).

Did you uncomment the proper DLL/extension?  Did you properly set the 
extension_dir entry in php.ini?  For example:

   extension_dir = "c:\progra~1\php\ext"

> I put the libmysql.dll file into the
> windows system directory (both system and system32).  Can anyone help

libmysql.dll?  Anyway, don't.  Put it back in the php\ext directory.


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