[nycphp-talk] WAMP on a new XP box with SP2 possible?

John Lacey jlacey at
Sun Dec 19 12:22:19 EST 2004

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> Folks,
> Please help this tired old unix fart with his new laptop.  I've tried
> for hours, trudged through forums, and even tried XAMPP and several
> other WAMP 'easy to install, really!' packages that don't work.
> I've opened up port 80 on the firewall (both UDP and TCP), and other
> than that have absolutely no idea what it takes to get going on a SP2
> box.
> Please, can someone end the pain?

A couple weeks ago, just for grins and giggles I loaded up XAMPP on a 
box with XP where the college sysadmin had just installed SP2.  Short 
version, it didn't work.  Since I don't have XP SP2 at home, I haven't 
had a chance to look into it.  It wouldn't allow loopbacked access to 
Apache, so it looks like a fairly straightforward SP2 config issue. If 
you get it working, let us know what you found.


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