[nycphp-talk] php + mysql

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sun Dec 19 13:42:50 EST 2004

On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 11:25:19AM -0500, Tim Gales wrote:
>  php_mysqli.dll ( depends upon libmysqli.dll.

Hmmm.  Okay, I never really looked at all the files involved until 
this moment.  On my Windows XP box with MySQL 4.1.2-alpha and PHP 
5.1.0-dev from a moment ago, here are all the files 
named *mysql*.dll

c:\program files\php\ext\php_mysql.dll     (for the mysql <= 4.0.x)
c:\program files\php\ext\php_mysqli.dll    (for the mysql >= 4.1.x)
c:\program files\php\libmysql.dll          (I'd never noticed this before)

c:\program files\mysql41\bin\libmySQL.dll
c:\program files\mysql41\Embedded\DLL\debug\libmysqld.dll
c:\program files\mysql41\Embedded\DLL\release\libmysqld.dll
c:\program files\mysql41\lib\debug\libmySQL.dll
c:\program files\mysql41\lib\opt\libmySQL.dll
c:\program files\mysql41\lib\opt\libmysqld.dll

So, under this setup, there's no libmysqli.dll.  BUT, looking at 
different versions of PHP, I see there's a libmysqli.dll in the 
"c:\program files\php" directory.  It exists in the versions 5.0.0 
through 5.0.2 (haven't looked at 5.0.3). It was removed from HEAD 
(5.1.x) some time after 2004-10-31.


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