[nycphp-talk] Help... NeverEverNoSanity WebWorm generation 8.

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Wed Dec 22 10:51:31 EST 2004

Tim Sailer wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 22, 2004 at 10:11:07AM -0500, Jeff Siegel wrote:
>>This seems to be a combination of PHP and phpBB issue.
>>Personally speaking...if you've got this combination, I think it's time 
>>to dump phpBB since it seems to often be on the "security vulnerability" 
> phpBB seems to have features that everyone likes. Not that it's an excuse,
> but those of us who do hosting have customers that demand things like
> phpBB, so, until there's something that's as good or better (in their view),
> I for one, am stuck with frequent patching. This all reminds me way too
> much of Sendmail-patch-du-jour.

Believe me...I understand. I have a client that has (or should I say 
"insisted on using") phpNuke/phpBB.


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