[nycphp-talk] [OT] recommend laptop repair place/Windows XPfixer-upper?

Susan Shemin susan_shemin at
Fri Dec 31 19:18:02 EST 2004

Hey, Tim,
It began months ago with a RAM problem, sometimes the computer read one RAM chip and when I popped the chips out and then popped them back in, it rebooted fine with the whole amount.
Then a month ago Windows started saying there were corrupt files.  In the meantime I had one of my RAM chips replaced at Crucial.  Now I cannot even get it up in Safe Mode.

Tim Gales <tgales at> wrote:
Susan Shemin writes:

"I've been trying to fix my laptop for over a month now with 
RAM chip problems which have corrupted my XP Pro"

Do you mean you have hardware problems, or software 
(O/S) problems, or both?

Can you at least bring up Windows in 'Safe Mode'?

T. Gales & Associates 
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